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赢富数据查询【视频】- 这支iTunes榜冠军乐队终于来中国了! 惊喜福利-天桥演艺

2018-07-05 全部文章 303
【视频】| 这支iTunes榜冠军乐队终于来中国了! 惊喜福利-天桥演艺乱世草头王


Vocal/主唱 Ben Woolner
Drum/鼓手Michael Bell
Guitar/吉他兼合成器手Harry Sayer
SAFIA是一支在澳洲爆红的独立流行电子乐队,早在2016年他们的专辑《Internal》就分别在ARIA专辑排名榜与 iTunes 单曲榜上名列第二与第一的好成绩。他们最近发布的新单曲《Starlight》也在巴西、澳大利亚、新西兰iTunes电子音乐排行榜上位居榜首。无论你喜欢什么样的音乐风格,SAFIA兼具迷幻浪漫与惊艳疯狂的电音现场芳龄十三 ,都会如猛兽一般,冲击你的感官和神经,更似乎有操纵人身体的魔法,不知不觉,便让人开始蹦了起来。他们的高质量和炸裂的现场,也是他们俘虏大批歌迷的重要法宝。

SAFIA Starligt Tour 短片(54 S)
《FIFA》是开发商EA Sports所制作的一年一度的足球游戏大作途观黑心棉,在全球都享有美誉。为什么突然提到一个足球游戏呢?因为在过去的10年当中,《FIFA》原声音乐将一些曾经名不见经传的音乐人首次带到了大众的视线中,“梦龙”Imagine Dragons的《On Top Of The World》以及Avcii的《The Nights》当属典型的两个例子。因为其挑剔且高品质的音乐品味,被网友誉为第一音乐播放器。
SAFIA的《Bye Bye》就被录了在了《FIFA 17》(即2017年版本)的原声音乐中,作为游戏迷的他们还在FB上发文表示非常激动。一大批玩家纷纷感谢FIFA,让大家听到这首好歌。
SAFIA的暗黑风格成名曲《Counting Sheep》,其MV在Youtube上点击量高达137w次,在网易云中评论突破2w,甚至风靡某音。诡异的曲风、阴暗压抑的歌词搭配着沉重的鼓点在舞动的电子旋律下却显得毫不违和,再配合悬疑的MV,自动带大家跳Poppin奇怪设定的爆炸头黑眼圈丧尸,SAFIA把失眠这件大家都经历过的事情变得如此有趣,让无数失眠患者跟着节奏抖腿。

SAFIA <Counting Sheep> 悬疑MV

Peking Duk Ft. SAFIA 《Take Me Over》 (live at triple j's One Night Stand),该歌曲2015年在澳大利亚获得了双白金唱片的优异成绩。
有趣的音乐背后是有趣的灵魂。SAFIA的成员们可以说是INS的重度爱好者了,时常他们都会在INS上分享他们的演出照片或者视频,表达的最多的就是对大家对感谢凯莉日记。当然,除了享受舞台和创作之外盖诺赛克特 ,他们也非常热爱生活,因为生活里的一切美好事物都会成为他们音乐的灵感。
SAFIA的现场给人一种能量满满的感觉,他们非常喜欢和观众进行互动,希望观众和他们一起享受演出。乐队成员们也各个都是蹦迪达人,经常邀请大家跟着他们的音乐一起Drop。但在《Counting Sheep》不插电的版本中,SAFIA让大家看到了与平常印象中不同的安静温柔的一面,主唱撩人的音色体现的更加淋漓尽致。正如他们在采访中表达的,他们愿意尝试各种音乐风格。
SAFIA的音乐总是风格多变,但品质不变。今年9月,SAFIA发行了新单曲《Starlight》,广受全球乐迷的好评。中国的乐迷也纷纷呼吁他们来中国巡演。SAFIA感受到了中国乐迷的热情,所以他们决定12月来中国和大家见面赵怀安 ,也把新歌分享歌大家。所以还等什么?来现场,感受他们歌曲海浪般的电子律动与节奏配上跳跃的鼓点,聆听主唱撩人心扉的嗓音,和SAFIA一起开启一段迷幻之旅二十二条军规 。

SAFIA 澳洲巡演回顾

Australian electronica/indie pop band
2018 China Tour
SAFIA is a popularelectronica/indie pop band inAustralia.Besidese, therinew single ‘Starlight’ is #1 on iTunes Electronic chart in Brazil上虞房产网, and was recently #1 on the same chart in Australia and #2 in Singapore & New Zealand.
No matter what kind of music you like,SAFIA excites the audiences by their psychedelic romance, stunning crazy electronic music and live performance. It seems that they have magic to manipulate people’s body. Unconsciously, their high quality and bursting live performance is their weapon to capture a large number of fans.
‘FIFA’ is an annual soccer video game, which is produced by EA Sports. It enjoys a great fame among worldwide. Any special reasons for mentioning a soccer video game here? Definitely猪猪猫 , in the past 10 years, FIFA soundtrack has brought some unknown musicians to the sight of public's for the first time. ‘On Top Of The World’ by Imagine Dragons and ‘The Nights’ by Avcii are two typical examples.On account of its particular taste in music, ‘FIFA’ was praised as the NO.1 MUSIC PLAYER by netizens.
SAFIA’s ‘Bye Bye’ was recorded in the soundtrack of ‘FIFA 17’ (the 2017 version). As big game fans, they also expressed their excitement at Facebook. A large number of game players have thanked FIFA for letting everyone hear this amazing song.
‘Counting Sheep’ 内功四经 , which is SAFIA’s dark styled representative song. The MV has had 1,370,000 hits on Youtube and also had over 20,000 comments on Cloud Music. The quirky genre, the gloomy and depressing lyrics with heavy drums which match the electronic melody perfectly. The afro-haired zombies who wears dark circles under eyes leading everyone to dance in the suspenseful MV. SAFIA turns the Insomnia, which is an very ordinary experience, to something extremely interesting.
SAFIA has been gaining more and more fans by their outstanding songs and the stunning live performance constantly. It is no wonder that the tickets were all sold out in 2018 Australia Tour. Countless audience are crazy for them, SAFIA is one of the most promising pop electro band of the new generation.
Behind the pleasing music is the interesting soul. The members of SAFIA are big lovers of Instagram. They always share either photos or videos of their performances on INS, that to express the gratitude to fans. In addition to enjoying the stage and creation, they do love life very much. All good things in their life will be the inspiration for creating their music.

The members of SAFIA like to interact with the audience, because it’s an amazing experience to see the audience can enjoy the live with them. Beside,赢富数据查询 they are gifted with dance , so they often ask the audience to follow their music to drop. But they show their gentle side that is different from the usual impressions in the unplugged version of ‘Counting Sheep’, and the voice of the lead singer of the band are more beautiful. As they expressed in the interview, they are willing to try a variety of musical styles.
The music of SAFIA is flexible in style but unified in quality. In September of this year, SAFIA released a new single ‘Starlight’, which is widely praised by fans around the world. Chinese fans have also called on them to tour in China. They felt the enthusiasm of Chinese fans, so they decided to come to China to meet with Chinese fans in December and share their songs with everyone. So what are you waiting for? Come to feel the waving electronic melody and jumping rhythm of their songs with the drums, listen to the tantalizing voice of the lead singer. Don’t hesitate to start a psychedelic journey with SAFIA.

A&R支持:Blacked The Sound
◤12月16日北京 疆进酒 OMNI SPACE ◢
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