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鬼谷子下山图罐【视频】- 恭喜望京留创园企业松鼠山科技,明树数据分别获得2018OTEC创业大会全球总决赛亚军和最佳人气奖! 留创资讯-北京望京留学人员创业园

2016-03-04 全部文章 256
【视频】| 恭喜望京留创园企业松鼠山科技,明树数据分别获得2018OTEC创业大会全球总决赛亚军和最佳人气奖! 留创资讯-北京望京留学人员创业园

8月10日下午,历时4个多月的2018OTEC创业赛圆满落幕紫苏汗蒸房。经过13个国家、18个赛区的22场比赛,以及分赛和决赛的角逐,共有12支队伍从全球800余个项目中脱颖而出加菲猫复仇记 。望京留创园企业松鼠山科技、明树数据、涛思数据三家企业经过层层选拔,进入了全球总决赛拉姆斯·波顿 。
在总决赛的舞台上,12支队伍旗鼓相当,尽展风采,战况十分激烈。最终,经过评委打分,朋友保夺得全球总冠军,望京留创园企业松鼠山获得亚军五花八门造句 ,来自美国斯坦福的Anora和英国的PureFlow分享季军荣誉官人很忙 。望京留创园企业明树数据获得最佳人气奖。可喜可贺鬼谷子下山图罐 !


郑博纪田正臣 ,毕业于美国卡内基梅隆大学逆战安琪儿 ,获计算机理学硕士;原Saks.com数据科学家,Iqity Solutions架构师郭苇昀 ,专注关联性学习商业变现与风控,马来法多年技术管理、商业运营经验与大客户销售经验柴田丰 。
松鼠山科技,中国领先的金融科技与人工智能领域开拓者,运用大数据及人工智能相关技术(自然语言算法、图计算、机器学习算法)服务于以银行业与基金业为主的金融行业,致力于以人工智能推动各金融垂直场景的赋能可米酷漫画 ,场景包括风险前置、贷中风控、反欺诈、智能营销等。
Songshushan Science and Technology is a leading pioneer in financial technology and artificial intelligence field in China. By using big data and artificial intelligence-related technologies (including natural language algorithms厦门小猪网, graph computing and machine learning algorithms), it delivers service to financial industry dominated by banking industry and fund industry, and commits to using artificial intelligence to speed up energizing all vertical scenarios of finance industry陆苹 , including but not limited to risk preposition, risk control during loan application period, anti-fraud and intelligent marketing scenarios. Songshushan Science and Technology has served customers such as domestic and foreign companies, fund companies and wealth management companies, and has achieved a good reputation among them.明树数据科技
北京明树数据科技有限公司是国内首家专注基础设施投融资行业大数据的科技公司和国际化数据研究平台,每天独家提供全国PPP项目成交信息黑猫与牛奶 。
XIAO Guangrui, graduating from University of Cambridge with a master degree词汇之沙, former senior officer of Asian Development Bank, has engaged in infrastructure investment and financing industry for 18 years. Now he is Experts of National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Finance, and Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Expert Database, Member of Council of International Project Finance Association (Asia) and Vice Chairman of Beijing Overseas Talents Association Youth Committee.
As the first science and technology company and international data research platform that focus on infrastructure investment and financing industry, Beijing Bridata Technology Co., Ltd offers exclusive information of PPP project transaction nationwide on a daily basis.涛思数据
TDengine专业高效的、自主知识产权国产时序空间大数据引擎。TDengine是涛思数据充分利用了物联网的数据特点林依婷 ,不基于任何开源产品而研发的完全自主知识产权产品,包含消息队列、缓存、数据库、流式计算、订阅各种功能,是一个完整的时序空间数据处理引擎。使用TDengine时序空间数据引擎可以让物联网、车联网等大数据平台的成本降低80%。
TDengine is a big spatial-temporal data engine that is domestically produced and is professional, high-efficient, and of its own intellectual property right.
TDengine is a product that has its own intellectual property right and is developed by Taos Data by taking full advantage of data characteristics of Internet of Things and based on no open-source product. Integrating various kinds of functions, such as message queue, caching, database and subscription, TDengine is an integrated spatial-temporal data processing engine, which can reduce the cost of big data platforms of Internet of Things, Internet of Vehicles and others by 80%.

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