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2020-08-23 全部文章 289



On June 8th to 10th, Ms Wu Lijuan, the instructor of English Debate and Speech Association led two members - Student Chen Fanlu and Li Jiaxin - to take part in 2018 China Open. The student leaders - Student Song Lingjun and Zhou Qimin - were hired for intern adjudicatorin this competition. China Open of 2018 was opened in East China University of Science and Technology. The debaters were from China Medical University, Dalian University of Foreign Languages, Fudan University, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, China Foreign Affairs University and so on. Furthermore猎香神诀, the debaters included professional English debaters in high school of Speech Craft who are led by Mr. Wen Qinglin, the teacher of Fudan University from Singapore and one of the China Open founders. In this competition冰肌玉 , we can see the intensity from the 44 Chinese teams and 96 English teams. Also, Chair team is the most authority - Professor Robert from Willamette University, Ms Gao Pan from East China University of Science and Technology, the famous debater Mr Luo Miao and so on. Facing excellent debaters, our team had no fears, found own problems and gain experience in the debate. Of course, the two intern adjudicators also got a lot through judging the rounds.

Now, let’s come to the space of judges and debaters and find some brand new things.

Could you share with us your different experience in this competition?
Sure. It’s my great honor to take part in 2018 CHINA OPEN. From international affairs to most popular search terms, if you analyze the motions, you would find all the motions are representative and timeliness. They are all the harvests when we analyze the motions, burst inspiration and exchange ideas. And in the competition, we will discuss and show the different ideas. That’s also the debaters source of happiness. As a junior, I was more severe to every part and also came back to my first purpose - enjoy the competition, acquire knowledge and exercise myself.

Li Jiaxin
Could you share with us how you prepare for the competition?
As we all know, CHINA OPEN is a high gold content of large-scale events. And it’s the final competition of 2018 CHINA OPEN. We did lots of preparatory work, including motion summary and partner coordination. The most important one is to know the affairs and have your own ideas.

Chen Fanlu
What would you share during this CHINA OPEN as a judge情义两心知 ?
At first, i will thank for CHINA OPEN and our Mrs Wu to give me opportunity to be an adjudicator. It's nervous for me to judge debaters who are tough and strong with a lot of experienced chairs. Actually, there are 5 rounds in one day. Both the debaters and the judges will be physically exhausted. For the sake of fairness, the judges used some refreshing drinks to refresh themselves.

Song Lingjun
I heard you were a debater before an adjudicator. What's your feeling this time?
It's my great honor to participate in this event. Formerly, my partner and i always asked adjudicator for some motions. And now they "pester" me. During CHINA OPEN, i met a lot of outstanding judges. They taught some skills about how to judge debaters or response to them. As a saying goes, a good debater is not necessarily a good judge. We should gather experience.

Zhou Qimin
6月8日至6月10日,黑龙江外国语学院英语系英语辩论与演讲教学团队指导教师吴丽娟带领着学生成员陈钒路、李佳昕两位小龙人出征了为期两天半的2018 CHINA OPEN 中国辩论公开赛,还有两位辩协主席宋灵君、周奇敏有幸被聘请为此次赛事的实习边裁。此次辩论公开赛在上海华东理工大学隆重开幕,参与这次比赛的选手来自五湖四海,中国医科大学、大连外国语大学、复旦大学、华东理工大学、上海财经大学、外交学院等等大果榆,还有由来自新加坡的复旦大学教师、CO创始人之一的温庆霖老师负责培训的说匠团队的高中专业英文辩手。本次中文组共44队(两人为一队),英文组共96队,由此可见,赛事的激烈程度。而且本次本赛的主裁(Chair)老师可谓有史以来最强的,美国威拉姆特大学的罗伯特教授、华东理工大学最美的高攀老师、奇葩说耳熟能详的罗淼老师等等。面对强劲的对手,我们的辩手毫不畏惧,从此次辩论中找出自己的问题,找到经验。当然,我们的两位边裁同学,也可算是裁过复旦大学、浙江理工大学的人了,收获颇多。

请问李佳昕同学卢台长博客 ,通过本次比赛有没有什么不一样的感受和收获想要和我们分享呢?
很荣幸作为参赛辩手参与此次CHINA OPEN。从国际时事到热搜词条,CHINA OPEN的辩题都有很强的代表性和时效性。每一次对于辩题的分析,每一次灵感的迸发和思维的碰撞都是收获马诺下跪。而且在赛场上,会与不同高校的优秀辩手进行切磋与探讨,这也是辩手幸福感的来源。作为一名大三的学生,这很有可能是我最后一次站在CHINA OPEN的赛场,在此次比赛中,对于每一个环节我都格外认真,也回到了当初最纯真的目的,享受比赛,学习知识,锻炼自己。

众所周知k7108 ,CHINA OPEN是含金量很高的大规模赛事,此次又是CHINA OPEN的国赛情剑天下 ,我们也做了很多的准备工作,包括对辩题类型的归纳,对搭档的磨合,同时最重要的就是了解实事忍迹吧 ,对事情有自己的看法。

请问宋灵君同学,这次有幸当CHINA OPEN的裁判宇宙奇趣录,有什么想分享的吗?
首先很感谢CHINA OPEN这次能给我机会作为边裁出席这次赛事,也谢谢指导教师吴丽娟老师平时的指导。邓佩仪 比赛中与各位主裁大咖们一起裁判别人,可以说是十分紧张的,而且辩手都是十分厉害的人,其中有一天,接连5场的比赛场次,无论辩手还是裁判都会有体力枯竭的时候,为了比赛的公平公正,裁判们可以是不惜一切,连续用乐虎灌自己香港行货。

很荣幸作为裁判参与此次赛事uie金宥真 ,以前作为辩手经常结束一场后缠着裁判,这次竟然轮到自己被缠着了。遇到了很好的主裁老师,亲身演示了如何解决这种问题瓦其依合 ,收获满满。好辩手不一定是好裁判。
各组织每日提稿截止时间为16点船蛆 ,
指导教师: 吴丽娟
学生审核:旷 锐
欢 迎 关 注!
