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神魄游戏【视频】- 无法抵挡的浓郁西班牙风情 4x4x4x4 pres. DEL HORNO (EL ROW-ES) 2-23-Arkham俱乐部

2019-01-29 全部文章 357
【视频】| 无法抵挡的浓郁西班牙风情 4x4x4x4 pres. DEL HORNO (EL ROW/ES) 2/23-Arkham俱乐部金雅然

4x4x4x4 pres.
在柏林watergate 的驻场DJ WEG中国巡演之后,4x4x4x4 马不停蹄为大家带来西班牙House 大师DEL HORNO的精彩演出,作为巴塞罗那乃至加泰罗尼亚HOUSE界的代表人物,突破于4x4x4x4 以往的DJ风格,DEL HORNO的音乐中透露处浓郁的西班牙风情,热情似火并且极具现场功力。娴熟驾驭LA TERRRAZZA,JUNGLE EXPERIENCE, SPACE 等大规模场地。在辞旧迎新的春节之后,让你伴随着DEL HORNO的house 音乐醉生梦死,魂断舞池怀集燕山 !

4x4x4x4电子音乐派对厂牌建立于2013年,成军几年时间内以上海为重心推广纯正跳舞电子音乐文化,风格为Minimal,House,Techno。我们除了致力于推广本土优秀电子音乐人之外芃怎么读,与国际电子音乐派对厂牌保持良好文化交流关系,互相推d动艺人以进行国际电子音乐艺术交流。目前为止我们已经成功邀请Arnoud Le Texier/Barnt/ShinNishimura/Deepbass/Freddie Glitch/Drunken Kong/Audiohell/James What/Basti Grub/Marco Effe/Ron Costa/DoomWork/Yoshi Horno/Elvis.T/Joachim Spieth/ Alex Bau/Anri等一系列国际音乐人登陆上海,我们更期待能将本土纯正电子音乐文化输送出国际,并且向全世界优秀俱乐部展示中国优秀电子音乐人宋将军走好 ,使中国电子音乐文化与国际接轨 。

出生于巴塞罗那的Ricardo呜呜祖拉 ,DJ 生涯起步于80年代的FUNK,不久他开始播放house 音乐,他巨大的能量和优秀的天赋很快便崭露头角特勤舰队,Ricardo 开始在一些著名的场景例如“Comics”和“Verdi” 释放光芒。在几经沉浮后,他与Cesar de Melero 一起在“ON- OFF(Poble Espanyol’s Club)开始工作,这意味着Ricardo进入了巴塞罗那的核心DJ圈和IBIZA俱乐部。接下来,在著名的Chasis俱乐部,每周末Ricardo的party都有万人参加。
Born in Barcelona (Spain) Ricardo’s career in the music industry started in the end of the 80′s, initially as a Funky D.J.,何孟怀 and shortly after that, he was playing House music, which was the basis of his firsts sessions.
His enormous talent and his excellent music selection led to his move into a large discothèque, “La Sala Desliz.” Shortly after, he was working in famous venues, such as “Comics “and “Verdi”, while at the same time being involved in some of the major After Hours in Barcelona like “DB” and “Kodigo”.
One year later, while still spinning in the After Hours, he began working along side with Cesar de Melero in” ON-OFF” (Poble Espanyol’s Club). It was at this time that Ricardo began to be recognized as being among the group of prestigious deejays working in Barcelona, and also in Ibiza and a level of international recognition was accruing.
Ricardo’s next residency, in the famous “Chasis” in Mataro, was to be the most important in terms of his professional career. (He performed in a club where the attendance reached 10.000 people each weekend).

在接下来的9年中,Ricardo随着Chasis Club把名声传遍乐西班牙,并以Chasis 的名义拍摄了跳舞纪录片赢海庄园 。
在2000年,DJONE杂志授予Ricardo年度进展奖和最佳舞曲DJ奖,他也开始负责音乐厂牌Tune of Vale 的工作。制作的单曲被用于迪斯尼广告和善待动物组织ZETA,以及Maxima FM电台地精修补匠。
Ricardo的事业开始腾飞,法国,俄罗斯,德国,波兰,乌克兰,美国,意大利,克罗地亚,保加利亚,突尼斯,韩国,巴西乾安天气预报 ,印尼,哥伦比亚,泰国和中国。无论在俄罗斯的Zona Club 到IBIZA的Space ,Ricardo均取得了巨大的成功!
For the next 9 years in Chasis, he achieved major success and his reputation spread throughout Spain.
He began to make contacts with record producers and his first recording made it to No. 1 on both the dance floors and radio play lists, This success resulted in the issue of another four maxis under the name of the Chasis.
These were followed by the production of 5 records from the group “Interplanet”.
In the year 2000,the magazine “Djone” awarded “The Messhias”, another collaboration of Ricardo, with the prizes ofProgressive groupof the year and also best techno-dance deejay.
Other awards include that from the Oriol Carrio’s radio show and the MagazineDEEJAY.
He has been in charge of the record label Tune of Vale Music.
As regards the compilations the 5 cd’s under the Chasis name维纳斯起义 , three of which went Gold (50.000 copies sold) and the final two platinum (100.000 copies sold actually reaching sales in excess of 120.000) stand out. In addition, there have been the 5 compilations Technics in the Festival sessions, Master Dj’s, Dj club 1 and Dj club 2, 100% 90′s the sessions... .
His music has also been heard through the medium of television commercial advertising- for the magazine “Disney” & “Peta Zeta” and on the radio show as Maxima FM.
Ricardo has traveled with his music throughout Spain, and further afield in France, Russia爱儿健童装 , and (Moscow, Volgograd, Perm, Kastrama, and Marlboro tour) Germany (Berlin, Cologne) Poland (Warsaw滇西往事 , Lodz, Krakow) Miami(Metropolis Downtown- Winter Music Conference)Ukraine(Privilege-Kiev病毒禁区 , Odessa) New york City (Manhattan) Croatia ( Zagreb, Duvrovnik) Italy (Riccione) Serbia (Novi sad) Bulgaria, Tunisia, Brazil马尔亚之战 , Korea, China, Thailand, Indonesia (Bali, Jogjakarta) Colombia… etc et
Max Shen
中国非教父级DJ,非传奇DJ西游战记 ,闯荡欧洲,日本,韩国,印度非第一人,运营活动厂牌4x4x4x4喜登博 ,开展和世界大陆的电子音乐文化交流,被欧洲,日本,韩国朋友誉为中国最好的DJ阿富汗少女,没有之一(因为他们只认识MAX SHEN)自幼学习民族乐器琵琶,终止于小学三年期新生代黑社会 ,原因是同班美女同学中断了琵琶训练。强烈不喜欢在电子音乐中生硬加入东方不协调乐器,感觉像KTV伴唱,作为英语合格,音乐合格,家境合格的三格青年,毫无疑问MAX SHEN不是中国夜生活文化的开拓者,引领者,和璀璨明珠,他也不想当明珠。
MAX SHEN从艺20年金钱帝国粤语 ,德艺双休,从未在舞台上获得少女的尖叫与认可,通常为他鼓掌喝彩的都是中年男人和妇女,后来了解其原因是他年轻时,少女喜欢中年成熟,当他中年成熟,少女又喜欢年轻,女人的心思比techno的转换还要快!曾经在上海郊区大学免费开创电子音乐课程,全班38人,37个男的,到下课一半人在睡觉,随即放弃。

MAX SHEN在中国众多前辈传奇艺人和众多喜欢洒矿泉水的青年俊才中脱颖而出,(青年俊才DJ还喜欢叫人在CLUB里蹲下,神魄游戏 起立,蹲下,起立,展现当代猴戏!)他始终坚持一种虚怀若谷的谦虚精神,认为DJ只是一个工种,和烤羊肉串一样的,他邀请合作国际人不计其数,却从不拍合影.例如:DJ koze/Slam/Arnaud le Texier/DoomWork/ Martin Eyerer/Brois/Brant /Yuksek/Cold Cut/Marco Effe/Audiohell/James What/VSK/Drumcall/Shalanaya/Alex Smoke/Sasha/Drunkon KongShin/Nishimura/Electric Rescue/Alex Bau/Deep Bass/Go Hiyama/Para one/Daedelus/French Fries/Sian/Ramon/Tapia/Adam Freeland/Timo mass/Anri/ Inga Mauer/Roy Davis JR/Biecp/Lawrence/Kevin Sauderson/Headless Horseman/Ron Costa Stephanie/Sykes/MO/MachineDrum/DJ Falcon/Joachim Spieth/ Markus Sukut/Nur Jaber
Max Shen was born in Shanghai. He runs Arkham club and set up electronic music group 4x4x4x4. He carrys out the development of house/ techno dance in China and introduces current electronic music artists exchanges and acts as the DJ of Asians Vibes for Asia techno vanguard group. He is also regular visitor of current art-multimedia activities for interdisciplinaryperformance artist Tian Zhuo Chen(ASIANDOPEBOYS), Zhang Ding’s series of “Enter the Dragon”, 021 Art Fair and Madeln etc and music festival for “Strawberry” “Modernsky” “Intro” “Boiler Room Beijing China“etc. He will sign Italian music label Digital Traffik and star his new journey in Europe.
Early on, Max was deeply affected by Sasha & John Digweed. He began to show as DJ in 2000 and got crush on British avant-garde of the day for John Digweed’s bedrock label company, Dave Seamman and Steve Lawler etc. Minimalism influnced the music trend of world and Max Shen in 2007 through time and change. He has insisted on the house/Techno music of Germany and Middle Europe combining dark and deep Bass Line and voice of technology into stage from Drity House to Dub Techno for tenyears.
DJ koze/Slam/Arnaud le Texier/DoomWork/ Martin Eyerer/Brois/Brant /Yuksek/Cold Cut
Marco Effe/Audiohell/James What/VSK/Drumcall/Shalanaya/Alex Smoke/Sasha/Drunkon Kong
Shin Nishimura/Electric Rescue/Alex Bau/Deep Bass/Go Hiyama/Para one/Daedelus/French Fries/Sian/Ramon Tapia/Adam Freeland/Timo mass/Anri/ Inga Mauer/Roy Davis JR/Biecp/Lawrence/Kevin Sauderson/Headless Horseman/Ron Costa Stephanie Sykes/MO/MachineDrum/DJ Falcon/Joachim Spieth/ Markus Sukut/Nur Jaber

February 23rd. Fri. 10:00 PM - late
2月23日 周五 10点至深夜
ARKHAM,168 Julu Lu, Shanghai
预售票Presale 80RMB
现场票Door 100RMB
包含1shots(include 1 shots)
购票二维码QR CODE:
Max Shen

a/ MAR: Free entry to Mar.3rd ARKHAM 5th anniversary party
(不限使用人数, 还能灌醉朋友)
b/ Arkham 3 drinks of all activities common to all(Not limited only one user)
C. 每周随机抽取若干会员免票入场
c/ Randomly selected members will be given free entry every week (You’ve got a good chance!)
d/ Transferable to others (Friends can take turns)
Long press on the QR code to purchase Drink Cards

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